Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic School Year at Edward Best Elementary School!
We are pleased you are a part of the Edward Best family. This Student Handbook has been prepared to help answer questions concerning the policies and procedures for the successful daily operation of Edward Best Elementary School. We believe that following these procedures will help us to have an orderly and safe school that is conducive to learning. A common ground of clearly understood policies will enable us to provide the best possible educational experiences for your child and every student.
We anticipate your involvement and cooperation in making this a successful school year for your child or children. The faculty and staff at Edward Best Elementary are committed to excellence and helping our students become well-rounded, college and career ready individuals. We have seen great success in the past few years; however, the support of an involved parent cannot be emphasized enough. One of the most important things you can do is communicate with your child’s teachers. Teachers are available through Blackboard Connect, daily folders/agendas, email, phone, and written communication. Please keep in frequent contact regarding grades, assignments, behavior and events.
In the event that problems or concerns arise, the teachers, Mrs. Hunt and I will be available to discuss and help resolve situations in a timely manner. Feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns.
K. Beer, Principal
Grading/Report Cards
Homework Best Practices
Goals and objectives taught in schools need to be reinforced with additional practice. Homework assignments are an extension of skills taught in class and will be necessary to master each skill related to the curriculum. Students are expected to assume responsibility for their homework by practicing and completing home assignments as given by the teacher.
Students are expected to:
Take home the necessary assignments with materials needed to complete the assignment.
Return completed assignments to class by the due date.
Provide feedback to the teacher if there is difficulty with completing the assignment.
Teachers are expected to:
Model the skill being taught and supervise guided practice for each skill assigned for homework.
Assign homework that is relevant to the instruction in the classroom.
Inform the parent when assignments are not turned in
Parents can help by:
Establishing good study conditions for your children.
Monitoring your child’s study habits.
Assisting your child in organizing assignments to be returned to school.
Providing feedback to the teacher if your child has difficulty with the assignment.
Media Center
Our school media center is a source of pride as it is a vital part of our instructional program. Through scheduled class times and open library time, students are encouraged to explore the many books, research materials, audio-visual materials, and technological equipment that our library/media center contains. Please contact Mr. Joel Sicko for questions concerning the media center at
The administration, faculty, and staff of Edward Best Elementary School are committed to academic excellence every school year. In order to determine the needs of our students and offer relevant instructional support, testing will take place during the year to help teachers plan effectively. The testing results will help with the continued growth/progress of students.
Assessments this year include:
- K-3: mClass-Reading - 3 times a year
- K-5: iReady-Math - 3 times a year
- 4-5: iReady-Reading - 3 times a year
- 3-5: Benchmark Assessments - 3 times a year
- 3-5: End of Grade Tests-May 26-June 9th
- 3rd : BOG–Beginning of Grade Assessment- Sept. 8
- 4th: Read to Achieve for Transition Students - Oct 11
Parents are asked to mark this time on the calendar as it is important for all students to be in attendance during the time the tests are given.
PBIS-Positive Behavior Interventions & Support is used to help maintain a safe and orderly school environment at Edward Best. Students are expected to put forth their best effort and to meet school-wide behavior expectations at all times. A positive school environment is maintained by recognizing and praising good behavior and taking corrective action when necessary, for inappropriate behavior. School and classroom expectations will be taught to the children starting the first day of school. Any behavior which causes the learning atmosphere to be disrupted or which infringes upon the rights of others will not be tolerated and may subject the student to corrective measures.
Acceptable corrective measures may include, but not be limited to the following:
Teacher/Student/Parent conferences
Loss of privileges or preferred activities
Time out
Parent Contact
Counselor Referral
Office Referral
The Administrative Intervention Strategies include, but not limited to the following:
Written Warning (must be signed by the parent)
Student Conference
Parent Conference
In School Suspension
Out of School Suspension
The FCS Student Handbook & Code of Conduct as adopted by the Franklin County Board of Education outlines Rule Violations and the Levels of Disciplinary Action (consequences or sanctions) identified by The Board of Education, Franklin County Schools. Teachers, principals, and other authorized personnel (including teacher assistants, substitute teachers, before/after school daycare, cafeteria, secretarial staff and bus drivers) are responsible for monitoring student behavior. Students who violate rules are subject to disciplinary action by teachers, administrators or other school personnel.
Edward Best has implemented a School-Wide Positive Behavior Expectation Program that emphasizes appropriate character traits throughout the school environment. Good character is taught, modeled and rewarded for students exhibiting appropriate behaviors and demonstrating expectations.
The school is divided into 5 Habitats. Desert, Mountains, Rainforest, Woodlands & Swamp. Starting in Pre-K or during initial enrollment, each student will be placed in a habitat of which they will be a member for the duration of their time at EBES. Students can earn points for their habitat by following the rules and displaying positive behavior at school and on the bus. At the end of each month, the habitat that earns the most points will be rewarded.
Through small groups, classroom guidance, and individual sessions, school counselors can help students with concerns such as: becoming successful learners, making friends, dealing with changes in the family, getting along with others, solving problems, feeling good about oneself, and easing transitions within the school and between schools. Please feel free to contact our guidance counselor Rhonda Bell if you have concerns about your child that she can help you with.
McKinney Vento
If due to lack of housing, you are living in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in an abandoned building or doubled--up with relatives or friends, or are a youth who is not in the company of a parent or guardian, you may qualify for services under the McKinney--Vento Act. If you feel that you or someone that you know meets these criteria or would like more information, please contact the Edward Best guidance counselor Rhonda Bell at 919-853-2347.
Health and Wellness
Head Lice Policy
Pediculosis (Head Lice) Acknowledgement: Every year schools across the nation can expect to have their fair share of students with head lice. The discovery of head lice can cause concern for children and parents. The good news is that lice infestations are easily treated once detected. “It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses that the management of pediculosis (infestation by head lice) should not disrupt the education process. No disease is associated with head lice, and in-school transmission is considered to be rare.” It is important that parents know the signs of infestations and the steps to be taken. The chief symptom of head lice is itching. Scratch marks at the base of the neck and behind the ears may also be visible. There may be no symptoms at all. The only visible sign of head lice is the presence of lice and nits (lice eggs). Nits appear as tiny silvery ovals located near the base of the hair shaft, especially at the back of the head and the area behind the ears. Nits, unlike dandruff, are difficult to remove from the hair shaft.
Suggestions to parents for the detection and control of head lice:
● Teach your child how to avoid head lice. Lice are passed through head to head contact so children should not share combs or hats.
● Watch to see if your child is scratching his/her head persistently. If noted, examine your child’s hair for the presence of lice and/or nits.
● If lice/nits are found, parents should contact their pharmacist or healthcare provider for treatment recommendations. Home cooperation is vital to the control of head lice infestations.
Illness and Return to School
Parents are responsible for providing any documentation of student medical conditions (i.e. allergies, asthma, hay fever, etc) to the school.
If your student is sick, they should be kept at home until they are fever free, vomit free, and diarrhea free without medication for 24 hours. Please send a note explaining their absence upon their return to school.
Under no circumstances will medicine be administered at Edward Best Elementary School without the proper forms being filled out by the parent and physician. This includes all over the counter medication (cough drops, topical ointments,etc). These forms can be picked up from the office. More information can be obtained from Marla King, the school nurse for Edward Best.
The Edward Best School Day is from 7:45 -2:30.
- AM Arrival Procedures
- PM Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance Policy 4400
- Before/After Care
- Breakfast and Lunch
- Class Parties
- Early Check-Out
- Emergency Drills
- Emergency Numbers
- FCS Student Dress Policy
- Field Trips
- Lost and Found
- School Visitation
- Severe/Inclement Weather
AM Arrival Procedures
- Breakfast is served daily from 7:20-7:45
Kindergarten - 5th Grade student car riders can arrive on campus from 7:25-7:45 at the designated drop off area in the back of the school. (Entrance off Firetower Road.) Staff will be available to help students get to class in a safe and orderly fashion. Students can enter the school and their classroom starting at 7:25.
Buses arrive on campus at 7:25. Students eating breakfast can report to the cafeteria to eat before reporting to the classroom.
The tardy bell rings at 7:45. A parent must walk their child to the front door of the school if arriving on campus after the tardy bell rings to sign them in and get a pass to go to class.
PreK car riders should be dropped off at the designated area in the teacher parking lot starting at 7:40am. Students will need to be walked into the PreK classroom and signed in by an adult.
PM Dismissal Procedures
The school day ends at 2:30.
All students should be picked up promptly starting at 2:30 in the designated pick up in the back of the school. (Entrance off Firetower Road)
There are 4 car lines for parents to wait in. A staff member will look for the car tag and call the student out. Tags are given out at the beginning of the school year or during initial enrollment.
No students will be dismissed from the office after 2:00pm. If a parent needs to pick up their child earlier, they must report to the office prior to 2:00pm. After this time, all parents will be directed to the car rider lot for regular dismissal.
Any student not picked up by 2:45 will be sent to the front lobby and the parent will need to come to the front entrance of the school to pick them up.
Parents, be advised that students should not be taken out of school before the dismissal bell rings at 2:30. Students are expected to take part in the full instructional day.
In the event of an emergency, students must be signed out by the parent or guardian in the office. Do not go directly to the classroom to pick up your child. Any adult picking up a student must be on the approved list of adults listed in emergency contacts.
Any changes for dismissal of a student must be sent in writing by a parent. If a note is not sent and changes need to be made, this must be done by calling the office by 8:30am. Any calls made after this time may not reach the teacher in time for dismissal. Calls should only be made in emergency situations and should not be a daily occurrence. Students will not be allowed to ride a different bus than the one assigned at the beginning of the school year.
The school office hours are 7:00 am. - 4:00 pm. Parents will not be able to speak to a teacher directly during instructional hours. Any messages will be sent directly to the teacher’s voicemail and they will contact the parent during non instructional hours or afterschool is dismissed.
Attendance Policy 4400
According to Franklin County School’s Attendance Policy for elementary schools, students must be in attendance for a minimum of 160 days to be eligible for promotion. If a child must be absent, it is necessary for the parent or guardian to send a written excuse to the teacher within three (3) days of the absence to be kept on file for the state department. The note should provide your child’s first and last name, name of the child's teacher, date(s) your child was absent, and reason for absence. Whenever possible, notes from a Dr should be sent. The Franklin County School Board recognizes the following seven reasons for lawful absences from school.
Illness or Injury 5. Court or Administrative Proceedings
Quarantine 6. Religious Observance
Death in the Immediate Family 7. Educational Opportunity
Medical or Dental Appointments
(Educational Opportunity: When it is demonstrated that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity, such as travel. Approval for such an absence must be granted by the principal prior to the absence.)
Letters are automatically sent home for students’ 3rd, 6th, 10th, 15th, and 20th absence. A parent conference with the administration and social worker is scheduled after the 10th absence. After the 20th absence medical notes are required.
Before/After Care
Breakfast and Lunch
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch. Monthly lunch menus are available on the district website under School Nutrition Services.
Special Messages: If you have a special message that you would like the cafeteria to notice each day, it can be added to your student’s account. Messages can range from a la carte purchasing options to special diet needs. Contact Mrs. Allen, Cafeteria Manager or the School Nutrition Office at 919-496-5125 for more information.
Students are allowed to bring spill-proof water bottles to school to be kept with their personal belongings. Any beverage container without a flip straw or twist opening is strongly discouraged (i.e. Stanley cups). These bottles need to be filled with water and not juice or soda, as they attract ants and critters to our classrooms.
Student WELLNESS POLICY 6140-(Food Safety Regulations)
All foods made available on campus comply with the state and local food safety and sanitation regulations. Due to the increase of students with food allergies and increasing food safety concerns, all food items brought in from the outside for classroom consumption must be store bought. These foods must be checked in at the school office.
Homemade items are prohibited.
Class Parties
Early Check-Out
Emergency Drills
The safety of your child is one of our greatest concerns. The school holds regular drills to teach students how to respond calmly in the event of an emergency.
Fire Drills are conducted once each month and Tornado drills are conducted at least once a semester. Detailed escape plans are posted inside each classroom. Each class has an escape route to an outside area a safe distance from the building.
Lockdown Drills are conducted at least once a semester to prepare students for possible acts of cruelty.
Bus Evacuation Drills are practiced once a semester to prepare students in case of an accident to or from school or during field trips.
Emergency Numbers
The school must always be informed as to a working telephone number or emergency number in the event your child becomes ill or is injured at school and requires your presence. Please contact the school, your child’s teacher or use the Annual Student Update system on the FCS webpage to update information. The Annual Student Update is a way for parents to update their child's data, emergency contacts, and annual student forms digitally through the PowerSchool Enrollment system. Please remember to notify the school of any change of address or telephone number. You may also be asked periodically throughout the year to update this information if we receive a disconnected message when making calls or sending messages.
Should there be an emergency involving your child and we cannot reach you or an emergency contact, the school will call the 911 dispatcher for emergency care.
FCS Student Dress Policy
A student will maintain personal attire and grooming standards that promote safety, health, and acceptable standards of social conduct. Student dress that disrupts the school environment or clothing that indicates gang identification or reflects gang symbols will not be tolerated. Clothing must be age appropriate, not disruptive to the teaching-learning process, and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar, or obscene. Students should be covered from mid-chest to mid -thigh. No shorts higher than mid -thigh; no skirts and dresses more than three inches above the top of the knee; no shirts and blouses that expose waist, midriff, or cleavage. No clothing which promotes alcohol, tobacco, or the use of controlled substances, or which depicts violence, sexual, or disruptive nature; no clothing, jewelry or symbols which convey membership or affiliation with a gang. No excessively baggy clothing or visible underwear. No hats, sunglasses, sweatbands or bandanas. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or sleepwear. No chains on clothing.
Field Trips
Lost and Found
Clothing and personal belongings that are brought to school should be labeled with the child's name. Found articles are turned in to the office. If your child loses a clothing item, please inform him/her to come to the office and ask for Lost & Found. Unlabeled or unclaimed property is turned over to a welfare agency throughout the school year. Unfortunately, there has been a bountiful collection turned over to such agencies over the past few years due to students not claiming lost items. Please stress to your child the importance of keeping up with his/her personal belongings and searching lost and found when items are displaced.
School Visitation
We request that parents avoid conferences with the teacher during instructional time, but rather schedule a conference for a mutually acceptable time. Teachers are available during planning time and afterschool. The school will have set conference times during the year but a parent may schedule a conference at other times by writing a note or calling the teacher to set up a time.
Students being dropped off by a parent outside of the car rider line should be checked in at the office. If a child needs assistance getting to his/her class, a staff member can walk the child to class. Only parents of PreK students should walk their child to class and sign their child in at the clipboard outside of the doorway of the classroom.
All phone calls made during the instructional day will be sent to voicemail and teachers will return calls during their planning time or after school dismissal.
Please help us keep all students safe by updating our office with all persons who have permission to pick up your children. A child will not be permitted to have contact, eat lunch, or be checked out by anyone not in our approved database. For the protection of the students, ALL Visitors are to report to the office to receive a pass upon entering the building. ALL VISITORS are asked to make an appointment before coming to the school. If you need to give your child a message, medication, homework, lunch money, supplies, etc., please go to the office.
Severe/Inclement Weather
At times, weather conditions may warrant the school district to delay, dismiss, or close school. Franklin County Schools works with Franklin County Emergency Management Services to stay informed in severe weather situations. District leaders monitor road conditions as early as possible to make the appropriate decision. Once a decision is made, the Public Information Officer will post a delay or closing status in the following order: District and school websites, district social media accounts, mass communication system (robocall, text messaging, email), then local TV and Radio Stations.
If inclement weather occurs as students are on the way to school, our bus drivers are encouraged to use extreme caution and pull over if they feel conditions are unsafe. As a parent, you know what is best for your child and your particular situation. We ask that you make the best decision that you can in the interest of your child(ren) if you feel weather conditions in your area are unsafe.
For more information regarding text message alerts and inclement weather, please visit our and go to “Inclement Weather” on the right side of the page.
PTA provides an opportunity to contribute suggestions for the improvement of educational programs at EBES. It gives you a voice in decisions or activities that take place at school. The PTA strives to be a very active organization; however, parent involvement is the key to its success. Throughout the year many educational, fun-filled, and fundraising events take place.
Please support the PTA of Edward Best this year. Contact Mrs. D. Nelms, for more information. She can also be reached at or through the PTA Facebook page.
Bus Rider Guidelines
A culture of respect and cooperation must be maintained in order to transport students to and from school safely. Buses are expected to maintain a strict schedule and discipline policy.
Students are expected to:
Be at the bus stop five minutes early every day
Be supervised by an adult at the bus stop
When preparing to board, allow the bus to come to a complete stop; then follow hand signs given by driver
Sit in assigned seats facing forward at all times
Talk in ‘normal’ tones only with students sharing the same seat row
Keep all body parts inside the bus at all times
Cooperate with the driver and follow the bus rules at all times
When getting off at a bus stop, remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop; then leave in an orderly manner. Cross the road (if necessary) in front of the bus. Observe all school bus driver hand signals
All bus riders will be given the rules and the beginning of the school year. We ask the parent and student to review all the rules and sign off to indicate that you understand and are willing to comply with all rules.
Parents of Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade students must be present or have a designee or older sibling waiting at the bus stop each afternoon. Bus drivers will not be allowed to release students without a parent/guardian or older sibling in place in compliance with the amendment of Policy 6305. In the event that students have to be returned to their base schools, the following regulations will apply:
1st Offense: Written Warning Letter from Base School
2nd Offense: 5 Day Bus Suspension
3rd Offense: 10 Day Bus Suspension
4th Offense: Bus Suspension for the Remainder of the Semester
5th Offense: Bus Suspension for the Remainder of the School Year
In cases of mechanical failure, continue to wait for the bus. Information concerning the progress of the bus may be obtained by calling Edward Best School at 919-853-2347 between the hours of 7:00 and 4:00 or call the Bus Garage at 919-496-3859. We will also offer updates on Blackboard Connect.
No student will be allowed to ride a different bus.
Car Rider Guidelines
Morning Drop-Off:
All students will be dropped off at the sidewalk by the white water tank between the hours of 7:25-7:45. Please do not drop students off earlier than 7:25. This will be a safety hazard due to no adult supervision.
DO NOT drop students off in the teacher parking lot or walk students across the carpool traffic. This is not safe and not permitted.
Students eating breakfast should arrive in time to eat and be ready for instruction at 7:45.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
Car riders will wait in the gym or classroom starting at 2:30 to wait for their ride. Staff members will supervise them until they are picked up by 2:45
Parents will be issued a tag that is to be hung on the rear view mirror and visible arriving on campus.
As parents arrive in the car rider line a staff member will radio the car rider number or name to a staff member waiting in the 200 Bldg classroom. Students will come out to the car lot and be put in the car by a staff member.
In the event that someone else will be picking up your child, a written note must be sent to the teacher. This person must be on the list of designated people you have listed to pick up your child and know the car number of the student.
Students are expected to wait orderly and listen for their number to be called. Any student choosing not to follow these expectations will be sent to the office and parents will be asked to park and go inside for a parent conference.
Parents are asked not to park cars to come in and pick up students. Please remain in the pick-up line and follow the listed procedures.
Students not picked up by 2:45 will be sent to the office and the parent will need to come to the office to pick your child up. This should not be an everyday occurance.